Event Dates
Mid-Djarju Ta' Student Fi Skola Tal-Knisja
Fri, 26 Apr
|Theatre Next Door
Jamie Cardona will play himself and other characters in a solo-play about his time as a teen at a church school.

Time & Location
26 Apr 2024, 20:00 – 21:15
Theatre Next Door, Triq Il-Kapella Ta Santa Marija Maghtab, Naxxar NXR 6511, Malta
Jamie Cardona will play himself and other characters in a solo-play about his time as a teen at a church school. Through his diary, we follow his mischievous journey whilst he questions the existece of God, what is right or wrong, how to attract girls, and most importantly… his penis size. Directed by Vikesh Godhwani and written by Jamie himself, the comedy tackles the insecurities of young Maltese people, and the (very slow) process of growth.
Jamie Cardona ser jinterpreta lilu nnifsu ta’ 14-il sena fost karattri oħrajn fi dramm individwali dwar iż-żmien li qatta’ jattendi skola tal-knisja. Permezz ta’ entraturi mid-djarju tiegħu, insegwu il-vjaġġ imqareb tiegħu filwaqt li jistaqsi dwar l-eżistenza t’Alla, it-tajjeb u l-ħażin, kif tatratta t-tfajliet, u l-iktar importanti… id-daqs tal-parti tiegħu. B’direzzjoni ta’ Vikesh Godhwani u kitba ta’ Jamie nnifsu, din il-kummiedja tindirizza l-insigurtajiet taż-żgħażagħ Maltin, kif ukoll il-proċess (pjuttost twil) tal-iżvilupp.
Gallery Ticket
€15.00Tax: VAT included+€0.38 service feeSold OutStandard Ticket
€18.00Tax: VAT included+€0.45 service feeSold Out
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